90-year-old Arnold Abbott, a veteran of World War 2 and founder of Love Thy Neighbor, has been feeding homeless people for 23 years through his organization.
This past weekend he was arrested along with two Pastors when trying to feed homeless people in a Fort Lauderdale, FL park. He faces 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
“One of the police officers said, ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I were carrying a weapon,” stated Abbott.
Click on the link below for more info + videos:
Whole damn town full of idiots!!
Unbelievable!!! I hope those “cops” go hungry someday and know what it feels like. Where did compassion for others go… Oh I forgot, it’s the poor black people only that need help now and then. F*ing bigots.
any politician that would vote for a law like that should be kicked out and made to feed the homeless for a year,bunch of bastards
ONe thing is for sure, they will have to answer to the only Judge and then let them explain “They were enforcing the law”.
WTF is wrong with these cops are they all $#%&!@*S with a gun
Fine with them arresting him as long as every illegal is picked up, every pedophile is locked away, every deadbeat parent, welfare cheat, and corrupt politican gets fines and jail time. FIRST!
There is no common sense and justice is lagging greatly!!
Unbelievable, and shocking.
He has been doing this for 20 years and now they arrest him this is plain stupidity