90-year-old Arnold Abbott, a veteran of World War 2 and founder of Love Thy Neighbor, has been feeding homeless people for 23 years through his organization.
This past weekend he was arrested along with two Pastors when trying to feed homeless people in a Fort Lauderdale, FL park. He faces 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.
“One of the police officers said, ‘Drop that plate right now,’ as if I were carrying a weapon,” stated Abbott.
Click on the link below for more info + videos:
Its a wonder they didn’t bet him.
To those in charge of our country IE the US congress, the president of the United States etc. I demand you end your policies of secrecy.
End your fruitless proxy war on terrorism in exchange for a war on an ignorant future.
Invest on NASA for the sake of humanities future , invest in schools for they are the future terrorist or leaders.
Make college education free before you make pointless healthcare free.
There are more than 2 political parties to be advertised.
I suggest changing the voting system entirely make it a questionnaire with however many questions it takes to choose the correct candidates and or policy to attend to. Picking names out of a hat is childish and outdated we are a more educated society thanks to a free thinking internet. So don’t baby us.
Money can corrupt the few. And no one is incorruptible.
you can’t corrupt world but you can keep it in the dark through lies and misinformation based on agendas.
Free our people from agenda driven government funded propaganda; from what you call news.
Audit the Federal Reserve
Label GMO food, not prohibit.
End marriage based benefits. And end control over what people can or can’t marry; with who ever or what ever.
If they want to marry their car, dog, football team, husband or wife of legal age. Let them. Government should have no place in love. Period!
Put on the internet full details on what you spend our tax dollars on, down to the very last penny!
You demand to surveillance the people but shroud yourselves in a cloak of darkness? And dare to call yourself just?fair?
Freedom I crave freedom from your secrets!
As I have none so should you!
The law that arrested a man feeding the homeless should feel being hungry and see how it feels, some laws are soooo stupid, THEY SHOULD BE IGNORED PERIOD AND DONE AWAY WITH
No wonder I moved from Ft Lauderdale to Tennessee. How stupid is that. Was he disrupting traffic or bothering other people. Was it done on private or government property. If he was on private property and not disturbing peace or interfering with traffic no reason to arrest
The greatest generation
this is becoming to much, stop them already!!
^5 to Arnold Abbott!
how can this police live with himself. shame on you
Arnold is the way this country used to be . Thank you sir for your service!
Enough “gestapo” tactics and extreme behavior in our communities!!!! Idiots!!! This man was doing a GOOD thing! Fools!!!