Just because the liberals and one-world-government supporters lost a fanatical supporter in the White House a year ago does not mean they’ve given up. In fact, they are not going to give up. And their beliefs are in such opposition to what the U.S. stands for, that they must be defeated. Negotiation is just a form of surrender to servitude.
Part of the problem with confronting these forces is identifying them. Sure, we’re well aware of the Bilderberg group and other such collections of powerful world-government enthusiasts. But the problem is far more insidious than that. Like roaches in a house, if you see one, you know there are plenty more in hiding.
So these “conferences” to support the end to national sovereignty are held at various locations around the world, and on a more frequent basis than is realized. And they might even try to hide their goals with nice sounding names.
Rooting them out and exposing their motives and plans is not an option. And that’s just what happened as revealed on page two.
This is my first article since I’ve returned to the fold. I went over some of the documentation I got from you back when I was first brought on a couple of years ago.
Let’s be sure I’m on track. You want us to come out of the gate storming, never saying anything positive about the left, and focusing on hot buttons for our readers. How’s this one?
Please let me know of any adjustments I need to make so that my posts are of the greatest value to you.
Thanks, Craig
Well written, as stated in my email to you.
The only thing that could make this better is to speak more to the specific tangable threats presented. In this case, Artificial Intelligence would be an identifiable threat. Also mentioning that this Summit is to be held on the Arabian Penninsula would have been good. NWO meeting held in Muslim Land. That will surely grab attention.
Having said that, I found another piece regarding AI and how the NWO is planning on using it. Will assign.
Regarding changes to writing and assignments, I am more focused now on getting evergreen pieces done, rather than minute by minute news. Right now we are doing a minimal of pieces, so best keep those pieces something we can post over and over again
Admin: We only need one category selected. The words “world government summit” and NWO were missing from the tags
Not gonna happen. Period.
Never happen…lol
This is what is trying to prevent from happening to the United States.
ragtops ignorance
F**k them!
Why we elected Trump.
We don’t need a hand maids tale in this country Americans will fight you