America has been the world’s economic king since 1872, but according to the World Bank, that could change very soon as China stands ready to take our throne.
We’ve gone from the world’s biggest creditor nation to the world’s biggest debtor nation in 20 short years.
Got whiplash?
No $#%&!@* !!!
with obama trying to be in charge i am not one bit surprised.
You got it and it’s nothing new. remember the so called “Great society Program” and how all our troubles and problems would be solved? Sure turned US ( the United States) into nearing third world status in nearly a 50 year time frame..
This is how much money the Treasury has issued from 10 August 1861 to 31 May 2014. From 20 January 1965 to date. Over 95 percent of the note issue has taken place in almost a 50 year time frame and Series 2013 notes went to press a year ago July 2013 in which that has doubled what the note issue was during the Kennedy administration. Read and weep.
as long as we have an admin that is trying to destroy the country i don’t see how this is surprising, although china is full of $#%&!@* in many ways and don’t have a prayer in matching us in ppp, or in living standards… not to mention military.
You can thank Dictator obumer and the dumbass democrats.
It is Obama’s plan… “Fundamentally Transform” the country… one of the few statements that he has made that was not a lie.
That’s what happens when Obama offers tax breaks to companies who ship their jobs overseas.
He said change, we got change. cm
so sad
The largest amount of US debt has been during the Obama Presidency. All Obama and Democrats know how to do is spend, spend, spend.