America has been the world’s economic king since 1872, but according to the World Bank, that could change very soon as China stands ready to take our throne.
We’ve gone from the world’s biggest creditor nation to the world’s biggest debtor nation in 20 short years.
Got whiplash?
This is sad that we let this happen where is our american backbone now?
thank NIXON,he and the commie leader was the best of friends,but now i think the Waltons have replaced him!! but the trade all started with NIXON. CHEAP RAT LABOR HAD TO BE A REPUBLICAN IDEA,KINDA LIKE THE RIGHT TO WORK FOR LESS!!
He’s Gay, his rented wife is a Tranny, and the Ugly Kids are also rented!
Yep I do
this is what we get, when our government refuses to use condoms.
Surprise surprise!!!
It already has and they have all the gold we have none
Thanks a bunch barfbama.
See that American Flag. Read it close. It says “Made in China”. Now question who is the world leader? Buy American, put American to work. Stop importing and start deporting. This means NOW.
Obama is our enemy