If you asked most people who comes to mind at the first mention of corrupt politician, most will say Hillary Clinton without even having to think about it.
Following her career is like connecting a dot puzzle, but instead of dots you have scandals.
But, alas, Democrats refuse to even look at the scandals and instead prop this woman up on a pedestal so high…
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Someone must of threw out a bunch of chicken feed , bunch of cackling going on .
They are all nuts
obamas legacy ,, murdered Christians,and children ,,women raped and sold into slavery,,,way to go Obama bin laden
hillary is a murderer
She thinks she is America’s savior and apparently all the abortion lovers do too. How completely opposite could they be?
All the crazies arn,t locked up yet ,don,t you think ?
This reminds me of when Obama was first elected and those small children were singing ” mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama” Just so wrong. Especially to remove the name of Jesus and replace it with Hillary’s…The Liberal’s have no respect for the Lord and try to remove Him whenever they can.