If you asked most people who comes to mind at the first mention of corrupt politician, most will say Hillary Clinton without even having to think about it.
Following her career is like connecting a dot puzzle, but instead of dots you have scandals.
But, alas, Democrats refuse to even look at the scandals and instead prop this woman up on a pedestal so high…
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based on the state songbook of songs glorifying north korea’s dear leader KIM DUNG P**P.
Mercy!!!! Someone left the door open on the mental ward again.
When you hear someone say ” I’m voting for Hillary ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr4ZcvCJI5U&feature=youtu.be
This is total sickening…..my gosh, sounds like an African tribe of women singing for a happy hunting trip! They’re singing about a lesbian, liar, scandal queen, blood on her hands and accomplice to several murders person……they have drank way too much KOOL aid
you are a disgraseful bunch of athiest pigs
I just threw up a little
Are joking do these people even know how horrible of a politician she is