Today marks International Human Rights Day and Iran is demonstrating its support of human rights by announcing that it will be stoning a woman who was convicted of being complicit in her husband’s murder. Stoning is especially gruesome as the person is buried up to the shoulders and subsequently bombarded with medium sized rocks for roughly an hour until dead.
The criminal in court in Rasht, which is the capital city of the northern province of Gilan, handed down the cruel sentence. Executions have increased over the past few years and it is thought that since, 1980, Iran has imposed stoning on at the very lease 150 people.
The reporting of this pending execution was made public by an official Iranian website, therefore caution and inquiry should be made regarding the motive of the regime. Nayeb Yazdi, who works in tandem with the international NGO Iran Human Rights, at Persion2English blog said, “The stoning sentence is an indication of the Iranian regime’s continued war against women in Iran. Arbitrary executions in Iran must be on top of the agenda in any dialogue between Iran and the West.”
More on this execution on page two. Presents: Islam is more than a religion. It is a rigid political and cultural system with a mandate to conquer and govern the lives of others via necessary force “until religion is only for Allah.” Violence is sanctioned by the Quran, a book which not once tells Muslims to love those outside the faith.
The enemy of this orthodoxy is not just intellectual dissent and free speech, but human freedom. The divine charter of Islam is to impose itself and thus prevent the individual from discovering a different meaning for their own lives.
Islam breeds arrogance and self-absorption, which accounts for the collective petulance and perpetual grievance that characterizes Muslim populations in general – along with the astonishing unwillingness to extend equal moral consideration to those outside the religion.
This disregard for others is rooted in the supremacist ideology of the Quran and Islamic law, which unashamedly draws the sharpest distinction between those within the group of believers and those without – towards whom arbitrary denigration is cast and hatred, harsh treatment and eternal punishment is prescribed.
As a consequence, not a day goes by without someone, somewhere in the world being horribly murdered by devout Muslims in the name of this religion – over ten thousand persons each year. More innocent lives were snuffed out in just two hours by devout Muslims on 9/11 than by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire 145-year history (source).
Where Islam dominates, there is systematic discrimination and oppression of those of other faiths. Where Muslims are a minority, there is peevish self-interest, disloyalty and eventual rebellion and terror when demands for special privilege and entitlements are not met – all part of the eternal jihad to bring about the rule of Islam as Muhammad instructed.
It isn’t the victims who need lessons in tolerance and understanding – it is the Islamic world.
Can one name a single country in the West in which the significant influx of Muslims has not been accompanied by severe social strain? Can one name any country affected in the same way by Hindu immigration?
Those willing to open their minds will find that, regardless of the excuse-du-jour, the remarkably wide-spread level of narcissism, repression and violence is deeply ingrained in the teachings, double standards and early history of the Islamic religion. While there is not a single verse in the Quran that commands love for those outside Islam, there are nearly 500 that either promote violence or allude to Allah’s hatred for unbelievers – in a book that is largely about how to think of and deal harshly with those outside the “true” faith.
Why rely on rosy platitudes and carefully-edited fragments of Quran verses from apologists when Islam speaks so well for itself? Beyond the whitewashing are obvious reasons why so many devotees do horrible things in the name of Allah, while most of the rest never seem to get terribly upset by it – busy as they are throwing tantrums and demanding for themselves what they explicitly deny others.
How much favor are we really doing Muslims by not challenging them to the sort of self-critique necessary for moral progress? How much favor are we doing ourselves by desperately trying to accommodate that which has no intention of accommodating us, or by continuing to sacrifice blood and budgets for those who hate us in return? Is it really in our best interests to assist the expansion within our own borders of a religion that is consistently incapable of building countries in which even Muslims themselves want to live?
Tolerance is a good thing, but not when we allow it to be used cynically against us by those who have no use for it once they obtain power. We need to back away from the altar of political correctness and throw out our preconceptions. We need to embrace critical thinking.
The truth is that Islam is not a religion of peace and it is not like other religion. Sometimes the truth isn’t comfortable. S
Obamas way
And this is the savagery American liberal retards want to welcome in with open arms??!??! This makes me sick, and I’m sure the fiancé got off with no problems…
They will have their day with Almighty. Not a rock they can hide from. Fkng cowards!
Need a ban on stones and rocks
Peaceful and tolerant says Hillary…. Lies and more lies! THIS IS THEIR CULTURE! Savages
Don’t get into the hole. I think she is aware of what happens once you get into the hole. Can’t fix stupid. Oh. Never mind. They did.
Wake up America!!!!
He who is without sin cast the first stone. You all should be stoned
Someone help me. Iran and Saudi Arabia do horrible things to women so what is the big deal with IS?