According to one liberal college activist, your belonging doesn’t belong to you if they support “genocide” and “racism”. Furthermore, they can just steal those belongings and call it a day because “F*** free speech” and socialism rocks.
A Trump-supporter attending the University of California had his MAGA hat stolen by a fellow student who went ballistic when administrators arrived to mediate the disagreement – THEFT.
Campus Reform secured video footage of this incident depicting a deranged feminist student taking the MAGA hat to fight racism and more…
Continue to the next page to find out the dangerous mentality brainwashing students into hating free speech – while believing they have the moral high ground to assault people!
WARNING – Video contains explicit language and not suitable for all ages.
Ignorance & foolishness this is a college educated at its finest right there in full color. Don’t assume anything other than don’t send your kid to that college ever.
Even people on her own page are eviscerating.
Arrest,theft. Ignorance alive and well at that college
She obviously needs to do some research.
Maria Micro Aggressionierrz was going completely loco, gesticu-lating wildly (like an Undocu-mented Jumping Bean) – then mysteriously settled down and got quiet.
This is the phase coroners call “Trigger Mortis”.
I was wondering if she was arrested, California very doubtful.
Word of the day boys and girls…. “genocide”
this fat$#%&!@*needs to get back across the border , and fast
Now do you want DACA. An the illegals who hate us.