Hillary is again waging a war on women, but she’s using her supporters to do the dirty work, as they relentlessly attack a GOP State Representative for attempting to question Hillary’s defense of Bill Clintons’s rape charges.
The New Hampshire state representative who confronted Hillary Clinton at a campaign stop over Bill Clinton’s alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick said that she is getting threats on her safety and the safety of her children. But she refuses to back down.
“I think that Hillary Clinton is an enabler,” Republican Rep. Katherine Prudhomme-O’Brien told Breitbart News in her first exclusive interview since the wide media controversy over the incident. “I’m angry and I’ve had enough and I don’t want to put up with it anymore.”
Prudhomme-O’Brien represents Derry in the state’s sixth legislative district. She stood up to Clinton at a Derry, New Hampshire town hall to ask her about Broaddrick’s claims that Bill Clinton raped her and that Hillary Clinton tried to cover it up. Hillary called the female lawmaker “very rude,” and the mainstream media identified Prudhomme-O’Brien to stir up anger and resentment against her on the Internet.
“I know that I was very rude,” Prudhomme-O’Brien said. “Being polite doesn’t work and I need to get the issue out before the primary because I’ll probably never be in a room with this woman again.”
“I thought, ‘When it comes to question time, I’m just going to blurt it out.’”
Well she did blurt it out, and now she’s paying the price. The fury of the Clinton campaign knows no bounds, and she’s since felt the full force of its brutal ways.
If you cross Hillary, she will pull no punches. Unfortunately for us, the rightness of the situation doesn’t matter to Team Clinton, as their only goal is to accumulate power.
Source: Breitbart
F**K HILDABEAST now come try that$#%&!@*with me or anyone else in the south that isn’t a government teet sucker it’ll be the last time I’m so fed up with what our country has become ofuckwad did get something right change is coming were gonna change things back to the way they were!
Let a sniveling little Hillary supporter threaten my family! Ever see a Caravan or a Prius shoot down the street like it came out of large$#%&!@*
This is what she is. You still want her for president? No killiary in the W.H.
Of course. If the 90’s taught us anything this shouldn’t surprise anyone.
She learned it from Obama! His AG is going after people who speak against Muslims!
Some stupid women just want a woman in and feel sorry for her for Bill screwing around on her…she’s under investigation and should be able to run until 100%cleared of every charge
And she shut the woman down at the campaign rally like she does to the victims
Not at all surprised.
Read Primary Colors. She and Bill pulled this same c**p when Bill ran.