As if air travel wasn’t big enough of an inconvenience, airlines have started engaging in a practice that will make many sick to their stomach – literally, in some cases.
Petra Haluska had the misfortune to learn about this disturbing development after landing in Perth, Australia after a flight. As she waited to be given clearance to exit the aircraft, Haluska noticed airline employees spraying the interior of the plane even as she and her fellow passengers were still in it.
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Curtis pull your head out if your a$$
Do they make a spray for terriorist ,terriorticide.hmmmm?
And you are blind!
Curtis Miles ,
Water vapor disappear. Chemtrails do not. They spend across the sky. I have watched over and over again them, on a perfectly sunny day. Within an hour above my home in Vancouver, Washington, the sky is full of criss cross pollution.
Umm, she was removed at her destination… Big inconvenience?
Because the EPA is of any use anyway? O_o
No, I’m a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer , dummy. Dispersing any kind of chemicals at that altitude, would be the dummest, most ineffective, inefficient method ever and would basically do nothing. You watch too much TV and listen to Coast to Coast I would imagine.
No, I’m a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer , dummy. Dispersing any kind of chemicals at that altitude, would be the dummest, most ineffective, inefficient method ever and would basically do nothing. You watch too much TV and listen to Coast to Coast I would imagine.
aerosol aluminum spraying
Spraying powdered aluminum oxide at high altitudes by airplane – a phenomenon known as ‘chemtrails’ – is a rather new method of population control that is restricted to NATO countries and is aimed at breaking the back of organic and traditional farmers to make room for corporations and their genetically modified crops.
The aluminum sprayed falls to the ground and poisons the soil and the water, which has two intended consequences: first, it makes the growing of traditional or heirloom seeds impossible and forces farmers into bankruptcy thus freeing the land for purchase by agro-giants who stand ready with aluminum-resistant genetically modified seeds;
and secondly, aluminum binds with fluoride compounds and greatly increases fluoride toxicity, therefore reducing the human body’s toxicity threshold level previously thought safe.
In other words, you can do far more damage to human health with aluminum fluoride than you can do with just fluoride and you need less of it. That is why, for example, the spraying of aerosolized aluminum is far more prevalent on the Western seaboard of Canada and the US, where tap water fluoridation is scarce and people ingest fluoride from bottled water and soft drinks as well as canned foods, but at lower levels than people whose tap water is fluoridated. “