As if air travel wasn’t big enough of an inconvenience, airlines have started engaging in a practice that will make many sick to their stomach – literally, in some cases.
Petra Haluska had the misfortune to learn about this disturbing development after landing in Perth, Australia after a flight. As she waited to be given clearance to exit the aircraft, Haluska noticed airline employees spraying the interior of the plane even as she and her fellow passengers were still in it.
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Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole flight was being tested threw aresol vaccinations
Insecticide or pesticides is a form of nerve gas.
It also wouldn’t surprise me if airlines are starting this policy with the increased number of immigrants flying. I’ve read over & over a lot of them are harboring headlights and all kinds of nasty critters
How can I get me some of these headlights?
Asking too many questions.
Well that’s disturbing! So many situations we know NOTHING about! And is scary!
Why the had no right to spray that$#%&!@* I bet you didn’t read the story before you made a stupid comment
If you want to be disruptive you will be removed.
She had every right to know what was being sprayed for her to inhale. She shouldn’t have been taken off! I had a similar situation at work where the place was sprayed for bugs and within a short time after arriving to work, I got so sick I felt like I was dying. I was working alone and as customers mived about I was too sick to get up or even call anyone. A friend from out of town came by to see me and was able to call for help and get me home. She said one look at me and she knew I was in some sort of trouble. So this can be life-threatening.
They’ve done this for years in Oz. First visited Perth Xmas 1981…took an Air India flight. My gawd, you’d have thought we brought the cooties with us!