Jean Mamakos, a 68-year-old woman from Long Island, is suing United Airlines for $5 million after she spent 3 days in jail following an arrest for attempting to change seats on her flight.
The charge for changing seats on on a plane? Get this: Trespassing
The story is baffling on several levels and garnered enough attention that it was featured on Inside Edition (watch the brief clip next).
What will they think of next? People just slay me
what other buisness could they treat customers like prison inmates and get away with it?
United Airlines reasoning is mote because Southwest boards and you choose seating in priority as who checked in first it has absolutely nothing to do with weight just who is willing to open the exit hatch in an emergency to help in disembarking the plain. I wish they where prosecuting this in my county.
But you can cross the border illegally while smoking marijuana and your good to go.
Has anyone realized yet, most laws passed are slowly taking away our freedoms? Telling us that just about everything we do is against the law.
has to be more than that
she was in her assigned seat when she was told she is under arrest, hope United losses their airline reputation. She did not refuse to go bavk and she did
You can sue for anything, don’t mean you win
Better watch out Shawna Sartin!!!! Lol