Jean Mamakos, a 68-year-old woman from Long Island, is suing United Airlines for $5 million after she spent 3 days in jail following an arrest for attempting to change seats on her flight.
The charge for changing seats on on a plane? Get this: Trespassing
The story is baffling on several levels and garnered enough attention that it was featured on Inside Edition (watch the brief clip next).
Stupid .
if she’d paid for the upgrade there would have been no trouble
Just another money grab attempt..#$%^%$&**&%$#@#$%..
Two years ago you could just move to an empty seat. It’s about the airlines making extra profits. They now charge you $75 to fly on standby. It’s greed.
Airlines rules, once you board you go to your assigned registered seat which have paid for to travel. It’s clear she was not taking directives but to be arrested? No.
Jailed for changing seats on a plane? So much for this being The Great Society.
But when someone else does it its a
Revolution 😉 (drum,drum, Tamborine)
Arrested for “trespassing”, not following directives, and trying to take possession of a seat not assigned to her. If she would have paid for the upgrade it would of been over. Too crazy
The idiot pilot and inconsiderate stewards/stewardesses need some jail time. !00 times what the lady spent for BS. I used to fly to AK all the time on 747’s and people would stretch out in empty rows of seats all the time. They just didn;t want to have to keep check on someone in an unoccupied section. Need jail, fired and blakcballed.