In what should be considered a cautionary tale to all liberal bloggers and activists, who think they can say whatever they want from behind their computer screens with zero repercussions, the recent tweet of a Massachusetts woman is coming back to bite her.
In a tweet on Sunday, Kalen Rahim took to social media to call for the assassination of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The call to arms was sent out to “Worcester gangsters” telling them that their mission on Wednesday was to kill Donald Trump, who was scheduled to speak in Worcester on Wednesday night.
After the initial post, a publication called TurtleBoy Sports posted an article about leftists planning to disrupt Trump’s Worcester speech, and as fate would have it, that article was kicked off with a screenshot of Rahim’s post. After discovering what had happened, Rahim called the police to complain about it.
You won’t believe the satisfying reason she was so upset about it.
LoL…. Stupid t**t
Only until it takes total control of OUR AMERICA. it will use them a bit more then let the foreigner TERRORISTS destroy her too.
She just wants to have a fame .she should Gish that for Obama .well she is so ugly in and out .here we have another virmen pariah walking around and don’t know anything because she is not intelligent enough.and I guessi she is another walfere muncher and ugly one.
Useless piece of dumbed down semi evolve ,primitive, …never added anything noteworthy to civilization…always looking for hand outs…what a waste of humanity….
What do you expect from a sub-human bred and raised on the taxpayers dollar ?
This kinda stuff needs to stop!!!
Lets just kill you problem solved
Loretta where is lorrrrretta obama’s sucker?