The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
Playing the integrity card, conservative media? How ironic…
Condaliza Rice, Colin Powell, Jeb Bush, literally hundreds of others have used and continue to use private email servers to conduct government business. Like Benghazi, this is a taxpayer funded political witch hunt with no purpose but to find absolutely anything that can be use against anyone in the political arena. It has nothing to do with the law.
And as EVERY commission that has examined the evidence for both incidents has concluded, no crime was committed.
Republicans should have to pay te taxpayers back, out of pocket, for wasting our money.
Clinton could shoot a on national TV and liberals would still vote for here , liberals are idiots .
Quoting Limbaugh, are you f$#king kidding me? With that said I wonder who has had more affairs Trump or Clinton? By the way, Bill isn’t running.
Nobody but bozos and idiots give a fug about who billybob porked A LONG TIME AGO. Bill IS NOT a candidate but T&A just doesn’t get it. Truth and action has run the same old$#%&!@*forever pinhead news page.Yup I’m LMFAO at y’all
Let me guess – Hillary has a rear end the size of Kansas?
You are incorrect about his time as Arkansas governor. I had a relative who worked in Arkansas during that time. People were coming in from the Rust Belt where they had lost their jobs, they could find jobs in Arkansas, pay the rent, food, car insurance and put clothes on their backs and buy the kids a few toys. Also, Bill Clinton did a lot for the schools in Arkansas. Yes, he had the morals of an alley cat, but remember they caught LBJ fornicating with an intern on the Oval Office desk.
Yes, Hitlery belongs in prison with a big black female cell mate named Desiree.
Killary had to be a part of the scandal. Why do you think nothing went sour between them?
Hillary will bring even more shame to America than Obama. Do you really believe that she will have the respect of other world leaders, with her lies exposed to the world? Make America the respected Country she once was. Do not put this Liar in the White House.