The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
The key word here is…….ALLEGEDLY…..
I want to hear about Hillary’s lovers. Let’s see exactly how popular it is to be gay in America.
lol you nut cases will fall for any of this BS.
Mrs. Clinton appears to be permitted to sanction the exact conduct she claims to oppose! I don’t see how these inconsistencies can go unnoticed!
Steve. Please go back to paying attention to the shiney object! Move along, nother to see here. 😉
Thanks Cuz!
We had an interesting discussion last night after seder dinner. People know so little about the people that they plan to vote for.
Give it up Tea Puppies, Hillary’s comin’ bitches LOLOLOL
She will be our next president