The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
Why doesn’t anyone talk about Hillary’s preference for women, and the women brought in to service Hillary’s deviant desires.
When you have nothing to offer you try to discredit the opponent. You stink.
Because her sexuality is irrelevant and even if she were a lesbian, you trying to make that out to be “deviant” is beyond reprehensible.
You make a very good point. Do we really want a Lesbian as President?
Sounds like someone has the hots for Hillary….come on, now, just admit it…did you make a pass at Hillary and she turned you down? It’s understandable….she doesn’t go for ignorant, delusional haters….
They probably don’t want to alienate the gay voters-
Killary Clinton will do and say anything for power and yes she rode on the tux tails of Bill to the White House and never cared what Bill did but there were sure a lot of deaths that have never been accounted for by either her or Bill along the way from Ak. governor to present day. Why??? As she has had friends in high places to help her cover up the abuse of power.
She is a shameless freak and belong in a mental institution. She belongs in an institution and/or instittution for her massive murders and scandalous activities.She is even fit ft for a dog show much less a Presidency. She is a disgrace to the human race and is evil, vicious indictive and dangerous.
Karen & Mauri please check my video our, if you like what you see…tell you r friends about the show…tharnks
It seems half our country love liars, phonies, cheaters, crooks,traitors, and scum, as long they act cool, speak the PC line even it they do not act upon it.
The same people that love the Kardashians, have zero knowledge of our own history & constitution, & they do not care. They do not care if civil rights are stamped out on people they dont like, since they are not able to figure out that its just a matter of time before their rights get removed as well. They are all for taking others free speech away, since they do not like what they are saying, but they are too ignorant to see that once free speech is curbed for anyone, it will be soon removed for all. When they ban Christians from displaying Christmas mangers or a cross, the Jews from their Ten Commandments, stop them from praying, it shows that they have no knowledge that our Country was created to be a nation where religion freedom was tolerated not repressed.
The founders of our country wanted citizens to bear arms. This was so if a corrupt government, or crooks had been elected, or if there biggest fear came to pass that if a man in power went against the constitution, ruling by decree and attempting to be a dictator, we citizens could march to Washington DC and remove the government and restore our democracy.
Obama is so phoney, it just amazes me they cannot see through him. Hillary is a new creation of her handlers every two weeks, but the fools will never see it. Hilary makes me think of an Old song, Can You See the REAl Me. I am pretty sure the real Hilary is a hateful person that thinks very little of the people that mindlessly flock to her. I feat for this country when we are all gone
You all need to watch this women’s bank account. I know a KOCH-sucker when I read one. So sad. Where was she when Hillary ran the first time? Gettin’ desperate there GOP/Kochsuckers.
Hillary is a joke and to think anyone would vote her into the Presidents chair is just ludacris. She’s the worst of the worst as far as women go. She stayed with him because he was powerful. Who stays with any man that embarrasses you to the entire world. I’d of liked her more if she had dumped him. So she stayed for personal gain, I hope she got what she wanted. A life of money, in the public eye and hatred, that’s her life and she deserves everything she gets.
What a bunch of c**p . It’s says at the top the article is ” an advertisement ” . And Bush started two unpaid wars , tortured people and collapsed the economy . you people are daft . I’ll pray for you !
Don’t sound so jealous that because you didn’t make a ton of money off of the Bill Clinton story.
Bill was a man of power so why did he have to assault women. Bill had women (who were gorgeous) throwing themselves at him. Only the losers made a public outcry because Bill would’t look at them. Monica would never had said a word. Bill knew who would talk and who would keep quiet. This lady said no and he would walk away,
Hillary sold her soul and she will sell us out .
I’m so old that I can remember when the politicians in the United States acted like moral, decent people, not like mad dogs, after a road-kill.