The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
Who fucking cares? What will be done? Anything? Will there be any repercussions? Will it change anything? Sick of hearing about these stories when we all know that it isn’t going to change a fucking thing.
Is this even a credible news source? I’m not saying that the people who’re mentioned aren’t criminals or whatever you guys classify them as..all this “evidence ” and not a single person in jail, fired, or impeached. Sounds more like a he said she said gossip column for people with high hopes and too much time on their hands. Fox is more believable
Share the hell out of this.
This is not shocking news and yet people seem to not care. What a shame that is.
So how do you explain 200k plus jobs created 72 stright months in a roll. Those jobs were created by all the businesses you claim went out of business. If our economy is so bad why is the stock market trading three times higher than it did in 2007. Unfortunately job salaries have not risen but that’s something only the businesses can do. You said the jobless rate has skyrocketed when it is down to 4.9% unemployment. Old man you need to pick up a newspaper and do some investigating because maybe you’re going by the little town you live in
So how do you explain 200k plus jobs created 72 stright months in a roll. Those jobs were created by all the businesses you claim went out of business. If our economy is so bad why is the stock market trading three times higher than it did in 2007. Unfortunately job salaries have not risen but that’s something only the businesses can do. You said the jobless rate has skyrocketed when it is down to 4.9% unemployment. Old man you need to pick up a newspaper and do some investigating because maybe you’re going by the little town you live in
@aldo, how dare you put out there that someone should shoot these people. It’s$#%&!@*clowns like you that are hurting our second ammendment. Liberals jump on comments like this to gain more ground to take away our rights. Fool!
WHAT A BUNCH OF HORSESHET what are u basing this terrible theory on? I wanna see these stats…
James Ward you should make this synopsis public for all to read.
Ed smith if not for FDR You’d likely be speaking german. The people employed by the WPA, CCC, etc. didnt get handouts they got jobs and our infrastructure was rebuilt and the economy flourished