The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
who fucking cares? You people and your sanctimonious sense of morality make me sick. It’s always you they find with either a live boy or dead girl tho’ isn’t it?
Gee I thought any woman who said she was assaulted, was. It does not count if the attacker is a democrat?
Vote Trump
And STILL her minions will vote for her!
I didnt read the article, im guessing she got assaulted by Hillary too?
Wonder if Willey is still a democrat?
No wonder so many Dems want Snaders, the lesser of two evils
So… Basically she is a female Trump.
Rowdy K. Yates She is worst than a female Trump. Trump has not taken you money, he has not let four men die, he has not been in office before to vote on reducing the size of our military. He never approved of giving Obama care to illegals. I could continue but you have a blessed day.
Hillary and Bill are above the law.