The past keeps coming back to haunt Hillary Clinton as she runs for President. Her deeds done as Secretary of State will continue to be investigated but it is not her deeds alone will also make this run for the White House a “scandal a day” type of campaign.
Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is the wife of the man who has a record of womanizing and sexually assaulting those he worked with and Hillary inherits this past as well. Read more about what Kathleen Willey, former aid to Bill, has to say about Hillary on page two.
Hello, everyone who still care about his/her ex, I never ever believed in spell until i met a man called prophet alafia, who helped me cast a spell that brought back my ex-lover who left me for another woman, His spells works beyond my imaginations and today, I am happily married with two kids and me and my [ex-lover] now husband are very happy more than ever before, what more can i say rather than to say thank you prophet alafia for been there for me, contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same, his email is [email protected]
#Donald Trump for President! S.E. Michigander YES I Campaign/Volunteering for TRUMP, President of the United States of America 2016!!
The real war on women..Hillary Clinton…just ask Bill’s many lovers.
The dummyocrates are trying to food the thread with b******t
In spite of what the complicit, left-wing biased media, have lead many of you to believe, our Economy is worse-off than during The Great Depression. Starting in 2008, the positive ratio between business startups vs. business closures, began to reverse in America. The sad and dangerous fact is, that by 2015, in just seven, short years of Obama’s attack on the poor and middle classes, that number has eroded to a net, negative total, of approximately 70,000 businesses, PER YEAR, that have closed vs. started. The number of food stamp recipients has almost tripled. Jobless rates have skyrocketed, to the point where uncounted numbers, have given up the search for employment. Illegal aliens receive better treatment than American service veterans. God and American history are being erased from our schools and they would be happy if also from our memories. The government is oversized, over-funded, and frankly, out of their collective minds, and way out of control, in a word dysfunctional.
Having said all of that, it is now imperative that Ted Cruz, eat a big slice of humble pie; call Donald Trump and unite with him for a Trump/Cruz ticket, in order to insure against a brokered convention. It is also way past time for Mr. Kasich to suspend his campaign, for the same reason. It is this, or a Hillary Clinton/Obama third term, and the end of America!
Oh, by the way, why is Donald Trump being attacked from the right and the left, the left I understand, for defending his Constitutional rights to assemble and speak? Was that rhetorical? Since when is it okay to interfere with these rights? When did it become acceptable to threaten, with impunity, apparently, the lives of any candidate, his family and his supporters? I’ll tell you when. This vial, anti American method of harassment began even before 2008, with Barrack Hussein Obama’s divisive hate speech, and lies. He has incited racial hatred, hatred of the police, and anyone’s opinion, except for ‘his own'(read: George Soros and Saul Alinsky). He slept while four Americans died in Benghazi. He embraces the Muslim religion, as his own. He allows certain, known sympathizers, who overtly identify with the Muslim Brotherhood, to occupy key positions in government, while turning his back on murdered, persecuted and enslaved Christians around the world. He has attempted to make friends of our enemies (Iran), and enemies of our friends (Israel). He has, and continues to encourage government agencies to harass any individuals or groups that oppose his policies, or threaten ‘his power’. He has weakened the military and this nations ability to protect its’ sovereignty. He has failed to secure the borders. He has selectively ignored or enforced certain laws, while arbitrarily mandating his own ‘laws’ via executive order, by-passing the pathetically, cowardly Congress, to accomplish many of his anti business, anti police, anti poor and middle class, anti military, anti constitutional, and anti American left-wing polices. The best part is, he blames his opposition for all of the above. It’s all our fault, yours and mine.
America, we need A Trump/Cruz White House, a united Congress, and a Supreme Court that interprets law, and not unconstitutionally write or rewrite law based on left-wing, progressive and destructive, political biases. America needs We The People back in charge of America’s future, where they belong, before it’s too late.
God Bless America.
Gtfoh with this BS…!
Suffer s witch not to live! ( GOD)
O yes if they have sex and they don’t get what they want they claim they have been assaulted after 40 years you got to be joking