Even when they have undeniable evidence that gun control does nothing to stop gun crime, liberals will shake their heads in disbelief and deny what is right in front of their eyes.
For all their talk about being “reality-based” thinkers, progressives have developed a real knack for ignoring facts that do not line up neatly with their narratives and dogmas. Ironically, this is exactly what they accuse conservatives of doing, mocking them for their supposed denialism even as they engage in denialism of their own. Although there are countless issues where this sort of behavior is prominently on display, the most prolific examples of it occur in the gun debate.
Despite the fact that cities across America have enacted policies that make it impossible for law-abiding Americans to own guns, the left maintains that it is not enough despite there being no reason to believe said rules have any positive effect.
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Heard this from someone else…guess who?
Fatherless children raised by ignorant by choice wimen. Having several children with each a different father.
Drugs, Gangs, sanctuary city, Cops with their hands tied, prosecutors and judges who won’t get tough with criminals!!!!
Stupid is as stupid thinks your so far up someone’s$#%&!@*you can’t see reality
They can have all the gun laws in the world but guess what criminals don’t care.
Now that makes a lot of sense! I tell you these talking heads are talking air heads.
Scott Sanborn then you have not looked at the money trail. Prison system is private and shareholders make profit with capacity. 90% of inmates are for drug offences that makes the politicians who hold stock money. Arms and equipment manufacturers give kick backs to politicians who chose them for contracts. Money is made through every aspect of the “war on drugs” and the tax payer is robbed for more money.
(((Wolf Blitzer)))
Of course, crossing state lines to buy a gun is illegal, but never mind that fact