Even when they have undeniable evidence that gun control does nothing to stop gun crime, liberals will shake their heads in disbelief and deny what is right in front of their eyes.
For all their talk about being “reality-based” thinkers, progressives have developed a real knack for ignoring facts that do not line up neatly with their narratives and dogmas. Ironically, this is exactly what they accuse conservatives of doing, mocking them for their supposed denialism even as they engage in denialism of their own. Although there are countless issues where this sort of behavior is prominently on display, the most prolific examples of it occur in the gun debate.
Despite the fact that cities across America have enacted policies that make it impossible for law-abiding Americans to own guns, the left maintains that it is not enough despite there being no reason to believe said rules have any positive effect.
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your an idiot, dumbass
Liberals continuing to treat blacks as children. Its not their fault that they are killing each other at a historic pace, its the bad white people of Hoosier Land! Give me a break….
Wolf Blitzer and Van Jones were driving through the desert one day when their car broke down. They were able to rent a camel to continue their Journey but it wasn’t long before they returned the camel and demanded a refund.
asked why they wanted a refund they said because there was something wrong with it. They said everybody kept pointing at us and saying “hey look at those two assholes on that Camel “
You think????? Arm every legal citizen and watch your crime stats bottom out!!!!
You are bigger idiot than Obama
How about blaming the gang members . If they keep killing each other off , the problem will go away
Blitizer, u anti-American communist muslim$#%&!@*
Lolol How come we all have Guns in my town and yet… we don’t have any gun violence ? Lolol
Yea!! Let’s not put blame where it truly goes… Another piece of c**p.