With Chicago reporting that at least 600 people had been shot in the city earlier this year, questions about the efficacy of the Illinois’ metropolis’ strict gun control regime have been raised. Yet if CNN host Wolf Blitzer is to be believed, the problem isn’t that Chicagoans don’t have the ability to defend themselves, but that people in Indiana haven’t been similarly denied that ability. This assertion is so patently absurd that Congressman Darrell Issa had to take it apart bit by bit:
“Blitzer then went after Indiana, saying, “The mayor and others say the problem they have is most of those guns don’t originate in Chicago or even Illinois, they originate in neighboring Indiana, where the gun laws are much more lax.”
Issa shot Blitzer’s suggestion down:
Of course, they are illegally bought in most cases–you can’t buy a gun to take to Chicago from Indiana. So, yes, guns are a problem in the hands of criminals but criminals are a problem whether they have a gun, a knife, or a machine tool, the reality is that [Mayor Emanuel] needs to work with President-Elect Trump when he is President, and ask for the kind of federal help that will allow him to break up these pockets of very bad people.”
Source: Breitbart
How about holding Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel responsible?!
Wolf Blitzer is a moron. He has no clue what’s going on.
He isn’t joking just an idiot .
No, itis negros with guns…