President Trump has managed to accumulate the most unique collection of opponents of any president in memory. Naturally, he has those of the opposing political party to content with. That’s to be expected. The mainstream media and much of Hollywood are also at war with him although, again, that’s not much of a shock. Neither is the opposition from the illegal migrants whom he wishes to deport.
Much of the gay rights movement, and various religious leaders such as the Pope are not in his corner. Mayors of cities who wish to harbor illegal aliens are in open rebellion even though that means they are actively encouraging the breaking of federal law.
Those are all very real sources of opposition. Now there is also the metaphysical, depending on the reality of the threat, with which he is expected to contend.
It is very clear who is against Trump..every satanist and witch. That should tell you something.
Prosecute this$#%&!@*once and for all
President been dealing with witches for a while now. Witch Pelosi, witch waters, witch Pocahontas, witch clinton and of course supreme witch Obama
Witch…..evil spells……..yep, that’s the democratic party
Witches really? They watch to much tv
You would think if they had that much power to control anything they’d use it to feed and clothe the poor, stop war and killing and bring peace to the world. So?
They couldn’t have picked a better leader, Chief witch in charge.
Everyone needs a hobby I suppose.