Witches Carry Out Occult Ceremony to Stop Trump, Once a Month Thereafter

President Trump as a wide array of opponents, from those who naturally oppose conservatives and Republicans, to a few new ones. Some of these are groups he has antagonized such as illegal aliens. Others have found something offensive about Mr. Trump’s agenda against which they plan to fight.

He can add another strange group to his list of opponents: witches.

Witches around the world will join together at Trump Tower at midnight Friday to cast a spell on President Trump as “an act of magical self-defense.”

The spell is a “binding spell. It’s meant to use your personal energy to restrain Trump’s power without causing any harm, Michael Hughes, a self-identified magician who organized the ritual, told BuzzFeed News.

“The analogy I use is, it’s not punching a Nazi in the face, it’s tying a Nazi up, taking his bullhorn away, and smashing his phone so he can’t tweet,” Hughes said.

The mass ritual will take place at Trump Tower in New York, with smaller rituals happening in Los Angeles, Baltimore, Portugal, South Africa, and many other locations.

And what is involved in the “mass ritual?”

The ritual involves burning an “unflattering” photo of Trump on a stumpy orange candle while chanting “You’re fired!”

In the absence of an orange candle, a white candle or baby carrot may be substituted. Additional components include the use of the Tower tarot card and a pre-written spell, which includes lines such as:

Bind him so that he shall not break our polity
Usurp our liberty
Or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair
And bind, too,
All those who enable his wickedness
And those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies

“We’re going to do this every month on the waning crescent moon until he’s out of office,” Hughes said.

This goes beyond the bizarre. Here’s where all of this got started.

This document has been making the rounds in a number of magical groups both secretive and public. It was allegedly created by a member of a private magical order who wishes to remain anonymous. I make no claims about its efficacy, and several people have noted it can be viewed as more of a mass art/consciousness-raising project (similar to the 1967 exorcism and levitation of the Pentagon), than an actual magical working. But many are clearly taking it very seriously.

President Trump should probably concern himself more with very real opposition such as those in Congress who oppose his appointments and agenda. Yet what this action by practitioners of the occult does demonstrate the level of hatred some hold toward this president.

It also exposes some groups within American society who operate at the fringe. While many of those participating in this occult ceremony will be those who truly believe in the power of such things, no doubt there are others who have just found another way to express their dislike of President Trump and his agenda.

In any case, it will be interesting to see for how many months “on the crescent moon” these people will persist in their efforts. If they finally appear to succeed in removing him from office in eight years, we’d suggest that his leaving office in January of 2025 would come from a much more real source.

Source: Buzzfeed News

Source: Extra Newsfeed




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