Neenah is just one city in Wisconsin where police have recently obtained or will acquire free, mine-resistant Caiman multi-terrain vehicles through an excess property program at the U.S. Department of Defense.
To calm concerns from residents about weapons from the army being brought into their town, the video below was released explaining that the trucks would be used in incidents like hostage situations.
Neenah’s SWAT team leader, Lt. Jeff Malcore, stated the vehicle’s gun turret has been removed and that the truck doesn’t have other weapons on it.
“We have no ability to shoot out of it,” Malcore said. “All it does is allow us to get from one place to another so we can deploy our people, or if there’s firing coming in, we can back up to a window or something to get people out.”
He didn’t explore the possibility that the gun turret could be put back on the truck or that police could bring weapons into the vehicle with which to shoot out of that big hole in the top, of course.
The militarization of our police force at a local level, paramilitary forces in 48 federal agencies, war machines being brought into our cities all over the country and the efforts to disarm the American people…no, your little promo video about how this vehicles only purpose to move people from one place to another doesn’t make me feel any better, sheriff.
Who’s protection????
protection from what ??
$#%&!@* is just got real!!! many people can actually be transported in this?
Swat vehicles are half the size and the government is trying to protect the government and its departments. When there is one, there is many more I bet they are planning to order. Hundreds of H1, Gas tankers, tanks, and a sort of all terrain vehicles are coming back from Iraq. Now there placing them all over the united states from camps, bases, forts, and navel yards. police departments ect. It’s a preparation for training in Martial Law. South America right now is in chaos, Russia, Ukraine, and in the Asian country are now in Martial Law.
This is the Truth.
What we have from Barrack Obama is lies and Treason.
Obama and each of our Senators and Representatives have failed to keep their Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
They have became the domestic threat to our Human Rights and our Freedoms.
Our current Senate and House will not stop the stupid War on Terror, will not repeal Obamacare, and will not fire Obama or repeal Obamacare and care nothing what the people of the United States want.
Do you believe we should be spending trillions of dollars in a war in Africa and the Middle East and we should be trying to start a war with Russia and China?
No Incumbents. Vote every one of them out.
Obamacare, the new and improved and horribly unconstitutional Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Cyber Security Bill, Common Core Education, and Trans Fats Bans is just like Obama, our Judicial Branch, our Senators and our Representatives continually attacking Christian values and preaching for Immigration Reform and Gun Control.
Immigration Laws have not been Repealed.
We should have the Freedom of Religion, the Freedom of Speech and the right to own a Gun. The Bill of Rights did not give us our Human Rights and our Freedoms, we have those because we are free men and women.
Our rights and our freedoms are documented in our Bill of Rights so the good for nothing fat cat parasites in Washinton,DC do not forget we have them.
Everything Obama, Obama’s Administration, our current Senators, and our current Representatives want is only about People Control.
It is only about destroying our Human Rights and Freedoms.
Vote all the rich good for nothing liars and parasites out. They have not fired Obama and Holder and repealed the horrible Obamacare nightmare.
If they hold any elected or appointed office in Washington, DC, they are the problem, not the solution.
Obama, Eric Holder, Biden, John Kerry, and every one of Obama’s appointees should be fired, today.
Vote all the millionaires of our Senate and House out, they want to destroy our Human Rights and our Freedoms, they want to enforce Obamacare, and they will not enforce our Immigration Laws.
Repeal Obamacare.
End our stupid War on Terror.
Quit trying to start a war with China.
Quit trying to start a war with Russia.
No Incumbents.
Vote every one of our Senators and Representatives out.
They have not fired Obama and Holder.
Obama and Biden and most of our Senators and Representatives love war and Gun Control more than Adolf Hitler did and believe we deserve Human Rights and Freedoms as much as Adolf Hitler thought the Jews deserved them.
No Incumbents. Vote them out.
The violence in Syria and in the Ukraine was financed from inside the Untied States and we impose sanctions against Russia? The National Endowment for Democracy has no other job than to destablize nations for the CIA.
Our CIA and NSA are monsters and have no crediblity and the EPA and IRS are too corrupt to function and should be shut down.
Every nation of the world should impose sanctions against NATO and the United States for invading all of Africa and most of the Middle East.
Our Officials in Washington, DC have allowed every one of our Federal Agencies to become corrupt.
They have done nothing to stop the Terrorists playing the Knock Out Game in our cities and endangering the lives of citizens in our streets.
No Incumbents.
The blood of Patriots gave us the Bill of Rights.
We have the Bill of Rights because we are Free Men and Women, they are document so the rich fat cat liars and parasites of our Federal Agencies and our elected officials will not forget we have them, they have forgotten anyway.
If one of the filthy rich good for nothing liars and parasites of our House or Senate is re elected it is too many.,
How can anyone believe anything from Barrack Obama or anyone in Barrack Obama’s Administration.
Barrack Obama’s Administration lies and Treason since 2008.
They have not kept their Oath of Office so support and defend our Constitution and by doing that protect our Human Rights and our Freedoms.
No Incumbents.
Vote all of them out.
No Incumbents.
Welcome to Obama’s Police State.
If you want four more years of Obama, vote for Hillary “Obama” Clinton.
Obama and every member of Obama’s Administration since 2008, nothing but lies, crime, and Treason.
Why are our Federal Agencies becoming better equipped than our Military and our local police?
You know why.
Why do the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Homeland Security need so many weapons and so much Ammo ? They operate inside the United States, they need them to murder United States citizens for Obama.
Shut down the criminal organization they call DHS and give their equipment and weapons to the FBI.
Since when was it the job of our Department of Homeland Security to harass, intimidate, and arrest little old ladies at yard sales and flea markets?
Shut down the Department of Homeland Security.
Our current Senators and Representatives have not seen to it that Obama has been arrested for Treason and that Eric Holder has been fired.
Vote every one of them out.
Patriots and Conservatives care.
Liberals don’t care.
That is the difference.
No Incumbents.
They have not fired Barrack Obama and Eric Holder.
Vote every one of them out.
Shut down the DHS, FCC, FED, IRS, EPA, the Bureau of Land Management and every other agency that has worked with Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, and Barrack Obama and is too corrupt and criminal to continue to function as it was designed to protect and serve the citizens of the Untied States and not act like a Terrorist Organization.
Get out of the horrible monster we call the United Nations, they have no respect for Human Life, Human Rights, or Freedom, like Barrack Obama.
In Muslim nations women and children have the right to do as they are told and the freedom to be quiet.
This is what Obama’s Terrorists have done to Syria.
This is what the National Endowment and George Soros, the EU, and the United States created, supported, and financed the violence and Terrorism in the Ukraine for. They want to spread NATO and the United States War from Africa and the Middle East into Europe and Asia, for now. North and South America and the rest of the world comes later.
No Incumbents.
The United States and NATO are the bad guys in Syria, the bad guys in the rest of the Middle East, the bad guys in Africa, and they are the bad guys in Europe and Asia. NATO is nothing more than a War Machine and every nation in NATO should get out of NATO. NATO like the EU is a good idea gone horribly wrong.
Arrest Barrack Obama for Treason. Fire Holder, Kerry, Biden, and every one of Obama’s Appointees.
Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama’s lies about Benghazi are Obstruction of Justice and Treason.
Shred every one of Obama’s Executive Orders.
No Incumbents.
his protection– not ours