Police in Beloit, Wisconsin, are asking residents to voluntarily allow police to search their home for guns.
Police Chief Norm Jacobs states that he hopes the request will not only help people ‘think differently about gun violence,’ but heĀ also hopes that searches will lead to the “discovery of guns they didn’t know were in their own homes.”
See if every law abiding citizen own a gun for their protection. There would be no reason for such stupidity coming from these idiots.
This man and those that think like him are the true virus.
The elites that think they’re better equipped to run our lives than we are.
The Castro brothers and Dear Leader in Korea come to mind.
And certain people in our White House.
Uh that would be a fat NO !!!!
What a joke
Those cops are fukking idiots if they think that “our” safety is their number one concern. It’s about controlling the people like $#%&!@* did.
If I shove in your face , you’ll know where it is !
I’m looking for the thumbs down button. F#/%ing commies!
These liberal godless communists will stop at nothing to invade our privacy and strip the Cons$#%&!@*ution.