Police in Beloit, Wisconsin, are asking residents to voluntarily allow police to search their home for guns.
Police Chief Norm Jacobs states that he hopes the request will not only help people ‘think differently about gun violence,’ but heĀ also hopes that searches will lead to the “discovery of guns they didn’t know were in their own homes.”
Go to hell
$#%&!@* off
Have you moved yet?
Fascism rears it’s ugly head yet again under the guise of aw shucks
Go figure its a $#%&!@* state
Wtf I don’t think so
Cold day in hell
Residents need to take up a pe$#%&!@*ion to have the police wear $#%&!@* Germany gestapo uniforms as long as they have this policy and this chief. And this chief should have to wear an ss uniform.
Did not read this story, but you’ve got to be kidding me. Absolutely absurd