Police in Beloit, Wisconsin, are asking residents to voluntarily allow police to search their home for guns.
Police Chief Norm Jacobs states that he hopes the request will not only help people ‘think differently about gun violence,’ but he also hopes that searches will lead to the “discovery of guns they didn’t know were in their own homes.”
This is liberal ways.
how would someone have a gun that they don’t know about? if that is the case, i say they are not responsible gun owners to begin with. this is pretty stupid. if they want to get guns off the street, they should do it like they did in Blue Bloods. they paid money for people to turn them in, no questions asked. of course that was just TV and not real life, but who knows?
No Way Josè
Bring a warrant!!!! Otherwise, don’t try.
are you kidding me???
Stay out
No and it’s criminal to even suggest because what is actually being done is profiling!
Ok,soon as I can search the police files of anyone I want,and the bank too,What else? I’ll get back to ya—-Chief
And I will kindly ask them for their warrant. Then I will kindly remind them of a little thing called due process.
Thanks for the laugh Chief —