In a story that truly boggles the mind, Democrat Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm has carried out home raids upon citizens solely because of their political activity.
Chisholm executed paramilitary-style assaults on those who supported conservative initiatives or backed his longtime political foe, Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
These raids often occurred in the middle of the night and included things such as the use of battering rams, denying victims access to lawyers and beating down the doors of children’s rooms.
Their dogs are worth more than our babies. We film them killing our loved ones ffs. We all deserve shot by cops.
This$#%&!@*has to be taken down
NAZI Moron!!!!
The Democrat Party of today is the party of violent domestic terrorists such as members of the Antifa Mob, the BLM Mob, the Moveon Mob, The New Black Panthers, and Calypso Louie’s Nation of Islam; America-hating subversive organizations such as La Raza and CAIR; the intolerant LGBT Mafia; Socialists; Communists; Islamic terrorists; anti-Semites; illegal immigrants; convicted felons, and other assorted undesirables! The Democrat Party has become the party of hate, bigotry, racism, intolerance, massive corruption, voter fraud and extreme violence. Democrats hate America, white people, Christians, Jews, heterosexuals, Conservatives, our military, the police and those who support the police. They hate our Constitution, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments. They hate the rule of law, separation of powers, and the American flag. But they love our enemies as well as everything else that is evil!
fire the bastard
Somebody needs to get him!
Break into my house and find out what happens
election time.??? kick their butts out.
Go to Jail, go directly to jail !! !