In a story that truly boggles the mind, Democrat Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm has carried out home raids upon citizens solely because of their political activity.
Chisholm executed paramilitary-style assaults on those who supported conservative initiatives or backed his longtime political foe, Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
These raids often occurred in the middle of the night and included things such as the use of battering rams, denying victims access to lawyers and beating down the doors of children’s rooms.
Unlawful. If true arrest him.
Hahaha it’s a poll taken by the same idiots that had your c**t bag Hillary winning by 70%…
It’s a sad thing to see that you’ve reproduced…
no Joel Duran the pole is real and what it says that only the idiots support Trump hahaha
Someone needs to take this guy out ! This AMERICA! His day of decking is coming!
Seems Democrats have gone full blown Communists! Anyone supporting this doesn’t care about Rules or Law!
If this is actually happening, people need to start fighting fire with fire. It won’t stop if you don’t and only get worse. There are ways to take care of this stuff.
He needs to be put in jail.
Oh there you go, and it starts with name calling. Typical liberal. And those polls are as f**e as the ones telling us Clinton was winning.
This head hunting$#%&!@*has to stop!
Mark Mira, I can’t believe you fell for that c**p! This is proven to be false dummy.