In a story that truly boggles the mind, Democrat Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm has carried out home raids upon citizens solely because of their political activity.
Chisholm executed paramilitary-style assaults on those who supported conservative initiatives or backed his longtime political foe, Republican Gov. Scott Walker.
These raids often occurred in the middle of the night and included things such as the use of battering rams, denying victims access to lawyers and beating down the doors of children’s rooms.
I shared this with “public” but expect that facebook will block it. They can’t be trusted either, I guess.
This man and the judge who gave him the ok need to be charged and put in prison.
These are the$#%&!@*tactics of world war 2 by the liberal dems who think that have the right after listening to the Obama war lords that he has placed across our country as federal judges !
Couldn’t this A-hole be taken to federal court?!
Exactly what the fascist did
I surely this has stopped
wow…turning against citizens…. traitor at least?
This is unbelievable, and yes it’s America. A must read. It will open a lot of eyes.
Can I say time for a civil war