The liberal elite are continually in a frenzy over Donald Trump and his policies.
In an interview that took on place on the CBS Sunday Morning show, Will Smith made his political ambitions known while promoting his new film “Concussion”. During the interview he claimed that Trump’s policies were going to force him into the political arena.
Read more about Smith’s interview on the next page.
If he runs for president and doesn’t win. Will he claim racism again
career politicians love to use the term be generous, but then like a strong drug, it leads to over doing the same excuse throwing load on to others too much with out giving incentives or self sacrificing themselves a little by trimming overblown government every now then to balance things out. There is a huge divide between those whom constant benefit and those whom are neglected. The rich and those elite dependents get so much pandering to while the middle together with remaining elements of minorities/low incomers get short end of stick. This whole left vs right don’t matter to us.
Build a wall for crying out loudThose two northern state patolman maurderd by two fence jumpers who were deported three times. So sad those not having there dad coming home anymore.Does the president or the attorny general going to investigate that. Never here a word about. Just brush it under the rug with the rest of the heroin that is ruinig our country.Oh heaven forbid if we were to stop the drug cartells from making there money then we would have to mexico even more than the 100 million a year cause they will be losing out on there drug money. What a joke this government is. Open borders in this day and age is suicide and death to americans. Hard working people who get screwed by this open border dissaster.
See ya!!!!
Will you are punk$#%&!@*racist bitch
Oh yeah, he made his money off the American people..sure as hell don’t mind doing that. But he don’t stand up for what is right in America. I don’t need his entertainment. The hardworking Americans r just tired of paying somebody else’s way, getting taxed to death, and losing our freedoms while illegals an people who want to kill us r welcomed in an treated better than us. Whose country is it anyway? We the people..Americans. it’s high time some people realize this. I like Trump, he stands up for himself, shows leadership. Furthermore, racism has gotten out of control. We all know who is feeding the fire. My hope is more of us will come to the realization of United we stand or divided we will fall. From what I have seen the outlook is not good. Our country is headed for something that either side really don’t want to face or at least I don’t..Donald J. Trump 2016 besides I think he will be a uniter not a divider.
Leave bitch
We do not need Will Smith or Kanye West in the White House. If blacks want to run, give us Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell.
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions