The liberal elite are continually in a frenzy over Donald Trump and his policies.
In an interview that took on place on the CBS Sunday Morning show, Will Smith made his political ambitions known while promoting his new film “Concussion”. During the interview he claimed that Trump’s policies were going to force him into the political arena.
Read more about Smith’s interview on the next page.
Will , did you protest when Jimmy Carter banned Iranians and deported Iranina Students ? The answer is NO ! You are anotherr fool that has been suckered by the likes of Jackson, Sharpton and Farrakhan to do their raicial dirty work ! Only your career will suffer, not theirs !
We already have ignorant liberals running
NaNaNaNa Goooooooodbye
He’ll never make it. Will Smith is turning into a bragart. Will, keep your mouth shut.
F**k you William….
r u leaving too,yea.
Go ahead., someone will help you pack to…
BOY Why don’t all these people that hates TRUMp leave the country and start them their own little world since they think they are so wonderful.
Sayonara, buddy boy!