The liberal elite are continually in a frenzy over Donald Trump and his policies.
In an interview that took on place on the CBS Sunday Morning show, Will Smith made his political ambitions known while promoting his new film “Concussion”. During the interview he claimed that Trump’s policies were going to force him into the political arena.
Read more about Smith’s interview on the next page.
Bye bye
Well Will…if you are a muslim now too..then you are out as well. I keep narrowing down my list of the idiots I will continue to sponsor with any of my money. Keep it up…I’m saving a lot already because of dumbass , Hollywood liberals!
The Donald is not PC correct , AND THAT’S GREAT !!!
Will Smith is a good actor…..but don’t even think of running for president….we have had enough buffoons there already….
He sucks as an actor even worst as a singer already has proven his racism and now he thinks he has what it takes to be president? ??? He has to be joking lol I forgot he is a shitty comedian as well
Stick to your movies.
Canadian Crook Cruz is a Liar !!! Trump nation all the way !!!!
I agree and start holding supreme court accountable for their actions as well. If they wind up in jail, their position would have to be replaced.
Vote Trump
Bye Bye Wil. We won’t miss you.