The liberal elite are continually in a frenzy over Donald Trump and his policies.
In an interview that took on place on the CBS Sunday Morning show, Will Smith made his political ambitions known while promoting his new film “Concussion”. During the interview he claimed that Trump’s policies were going to force him into the political arena.
Read more about Smith’s interview on the next page.
lil willie zmith i a friggin idiot!!! juzt like the rezt of the dumbazz liberalz!!!
liberalz be like…lol
I will keep you in my prayers.
I lost all respect for Will Smith. He was a good actor and ill remember him as that but as a person, he’s getting on my nerves.
Trump 2016. Will Smith proves my point.
Well then maybe he can put up an award winning performance that might get him an oscar, but won’t get him into office because we would know he was only acting.
Muslims are lost.
Oh yes, that’s what America needs, Will Smith in the White
F**k will smith
The MONKEY thinks he knows politics!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
All ACTORS are good for is knowing their LINES they get PAID a lot of money to learn!!!! STUPID Hollywood actors MAKE ME SICK always thinking anyone actually listens to what they have to say!!! Most are UNEDUCATED except for their LIBERAL ARTS degrees IF THAT! Go back to your pretend world!!! The public needs to UNDERSTAND that most libtard Hollywood types have absolutely NO CREDENTIALS for anything except playing the next PRETEND PART!!!
But hey, I guess obutthole did such a job pretending to be president that I guess now all the actors think they can do it…