The liberal elite are continually in a frenzy over Donald Trump and his policies.
In an interview that took on place on the CBS Sunday Morning show, Will Smith made his political ambitions known while promoting his new film “Concussion”. During the interview he claimed that Trump’s policies were going to force him into the political arena.
Read more about Smith’s interview on the next page.
Go now get the fxxk out
That’s something Trump would say…Silly Narcissists…
WE need the wall and we sure Don’t need the Muslims we don’t need you Will. We need # TRUMP 2016
Yep need Trump the current evil administration gone imigration stopped and America great again if not satisfied with this move elsewhere
Smith would have a better chance of winning an Oscar.
You are a piece of racist garbage, go back to making crappy films that nobody with an I. Q. above 50 watches. You and your wij.fe should be ashamed of your selves, you are both spoiled Hollywood brats, and you aren’t going to run anything but your mouth.
You$#%&!@*think you are that popular to win the presidency. Ha ha you are so predudice and racist thAt you would end up being run out of town
Will Smith is a weakling he has his wife fight for him.
See you later will nobody cares if you leave just remember one thing it was america that made you all the money you have and if cant respect that then get out bitch
Smith you another liberal left wing belong to darkness. Shut up! Convert to muslim so you will not be beheaded when One world government take over ruled by antichrist.