You can’t judge a candidate by the people voting for them, except in the case of Hillary Clinton supporters, because . . . well you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see how corrupt she is. And if you’re one of the many people who are voting for her just to keep Donald Trump out of office, do yourself a favor, and stay home when the polls open.
As more and more videos surface of people getting rallied up at Donald Trump’s speeches, the Internet is having a field day. Granted, some of the people seen in the videos come across as a bit crazy. But it’s difficult to tell if they’re actually racist or if the exhaustion over political correctness has bubbled to the surface and exploded like a volcano.
One very liberal actor has seen these videos and is calling for a cleansing of the “Republican nominee and his supporters.”
Find out who it is on the next page.
Yep. And your one he exposed as a racist! I knew it.
As a black racist I could never follow your advice. It means you should go back to Africa.
Will smith you are pathetic of course they don’t act like they hate you stupid ur a man !!! It’s women ,gays , Christians ect … men can do what the$#%&!@*they want to whom they want !!! If you like it there so much why don’t you stay there and we won’t miss you a bit get real your a know one not even a very good actor so why don’t you do your job and leave the rest alone you just sound dumb show up LOL … go ahead we probably won’t even notice your there you fucking celebrities crack me up UP your actors so act like you have a brain and SHUT THE$#%&!@*UP IT OVER !!!!!
Just shut up enough is enough! His reality is such a fantasy go back to your stupid movies
Will Smith what has Obummer done for black people other than to cause more riots… he has not made it better… maybe you think he has because you have money… what person in their right mind tells you to go after police officer and kill them… he is missing a lot of brain cells… peace is for everyone no matter what color your skin is… why are you bleeding heart Snowflakes so blinded … because of his slick tongue… just like slick Willy… I never had sex with that person… omg… you really can’t be that stupid…
Another actor I won’t spend my money on buying a ticket on ANYTHING he is in! Or watch on TV!
Dose he not know the last time a leader “cleansed” a country the holocaust happened.
Sure, genocide……always lots of fun.