You can’t judge a candidate by the people voting for them, except in the case of Hillary Clinton supporters, because . . . well you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see how corrupt she is. And if you’re one of the many people who are voting for her just to keep Donald Trump out of office, do yourself a favor, and stay home when the polls open.
As more and more videos surface of people getting rallied up at Donald Trump’s speeches, the Internet is having a field day. Granted, some of the people seen in the videos come across as a bit crazy. But it’s difficult to tell if they’re actually racist or if the exhaustion over political correctness has bubbled to the surface and exploded like a volcano.
One very liberal actor has seen these videos and is calling for a cleansing of the “Republican nominee and his supporters.”
Find out who it is on the next page.
He’s the racist!
Let’s go over what obama has done while being puppeted by George Soros . He developed BLM, Empowered Iran, Hamas, the muslim brotherhood, Israel’s holiest sights to islamists group’s, Drug cartel. Gun cartel, Racism Segregation, and let us not forget He empowered ISIS!!!!!
The Democratic Party has become one Giant hypocrisy. It claims to be inclusive, but it divides the American people by gender, race and sexual preference. It claims to be tolerant, but is impatient and hostile to anyone who has an opposing point of view. Rather than encourage dialogue to settle differences, Democrats shout down, humiliate and belittle political opponents. Instead of being champions of the Middle Class, they pursue and implement big government policies that hurt and destroy the Middle Class. And instead of embracing all of the Constitution, Democrats adhere to, or ignore, our founding document based on their own political objectives at the time.
Maybe what he is saying all of those individuals against Trump are showing who the true racists are in our country.
Brought out his racist$#%&!@*!
You can cleanse yourself out of our country. It’s not your country anymore Will Smith
not your country willie it’s we the people’s and your out of touch make believe$#%&!@*can leave
I am done with this guy.
Leave our country will
Your not going to like the outcome…your going to find out that whites aren’t the racist ones…I used to like this guy…what the hell was I thinking …he can’t see it is he who is the racist…white men gave him parts that made him rich…won’t be watching anything he’s in…
hes a liberal dumb$#%&!@* he use to be my fav actor of all actors but his love of islam has dumbed him down so much ill never watch anything w him. i broke all my dvds w him and threw them out