You can’t judge a candidate by the people voting for them, except in the case of Hillary Clinton supporters, because . . . well you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see how corrupt she is. And if you’re one of the many people who are voting for her just to keep Donald Trump out of office, do yourself a favor, and stay home when the polls open.
As more and more videos surface of people getting rallied up at Donald Trump’s speeches, the Internet is having a field day. Granted, some of the people seen in the videos come across as a bit crazy. But it’s difficult to tell if they’re actually racist or if the exhaustion over political correctness has bubbled to the surface and exploded like a volcano.
One very liberal actor has seen these videos and is calling for a cleansing of the “Republican nominee and his supporters.”
Find out who it is on the next page.
These people say the exact kind of things they themselves are doing
You are an idiot
Am A paled
That’s the problem with Hollywood, they don’t live in the real world like we do. They need to keep there opinions to themselves.
What an idiot….lololol
Smith, just like every other person on earth we surround ourselves with people like ourselves. You are no different. Your a racist who has allowed himself to be controlled by the very democratic rulers that have divided this country. They have spent decades trying to control you and you are thanking them for oppressing your people. You fight for the very machine that has fed racial tensions in our country and why? Because you “want” the diversity. You “want” a problem to exist. I don’t see white people out marching demanding the death of all black people. I don’t see white people ambushing cops in their cars. I don’t even see white people screaming racial slurs at black people. It’s you Will Smith, and others like you that have re-awakened an almost dead virus. You have the power to unite people of all colors and nationalities but you choose to destroy the great works and efforts of one of the most loved people in America, Martin Luther King. You have the power to ask for peace and unity but instead you demand the death of a people. You preach division. You breed life into something that will bring nothing more then civil war which will take the lives of people we all love, including those that you love. Your an idiot and a antagonizer. It’s in your power as a public figure loved by all races to bring people together but you wont do that. We can see the hate dripping from you and I wonder what it was I did do deserve it? I owned every movie you made, I claimed you to be one of the best actors of your time. I shared your talents with my family and we all laughed and enjoyed you. We are one of those who proudly made you rich. Now I’m just ashamed of you. Your movies have been trash canned. I will no longer speak kindly of you. I know that doesn’t disturb you in the least but it does me. I am very disappointed t learn of your blatant hate for me.
F**k will smith boycott his movies forever
will smith is nothing more than an overpaid, untalented muslim.
Time to come together along with Jesus. He is the answer for the world today.
Ye starting with all the black racist trash like will smith