You can’t judge a candidate by the people voting for them, except in the case of Hillary Clinton supporters, because . . . well you’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb to not see how corrupt she is. And if you’re one of the many people who are voting for her just to keep Donald Trump out of office, do yourself a favor, and stay home when the polls open.
As more and more videos surface of people getting rallied up at Donald Trump’s speeches, the Internet is having a field day. Granted, some of the people seen in the videos come across as a bit crazy. But it’s difficult to tell if they’re actually racist or if the exhaustion over political correctness has bubbled to the surface and exploded like a volcano.
One very liberal actor has seen these videos and is calling for a cleansing of the “Republican nominee and his supporters.”
Find out who it is on the next page.
How is it that these people think they’re so fucken important.
These are the dangerous elements of our society !
In my opinoin he is one of the leaders in the so called Racists moment so he will be one of the first to go
Do you ever wonder what kind of tax breaks these actors get? I mean they make a lot of money. Why would they vote for somebody that wants to take half of it away. They do some quick easy charity work that enables them to write off millions. I say audit Hollywood and make these asshats pay their share.
Sure, we should ‘cleanse” folks like the Chicago four who tortured the disabled white kid, right?
Broken down and done! You’re a racist yourself. Have a nice life. Just made the won’t see list of actors. Bye!
Will smith just needs to take his to some Muslim country and get the$#%&!@*out
Start with that idiot racist.