New York’s gun registration deadline under the SAFE act is looming, but it looks like fewer than 10 percent of gun owners have complied with the law. Resistance to the unconstitutional law is widespread among citizens as well as law enforcement.
Making matters worse for elected officials–and Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) in particular–is the fact that many law enforcement officers at various levels have openly stated that they will not enforce SAFE Act requirements.According to BearingArms.com, while the state waits for the “registration of 1 million firearms designated as ‘assault weapons’ under the NY SAFE Act,” leaks believed to be coming from within the New York State Police indicate the number registered to date is “as low as…3,000-5,000 firearms.”
These numbers are estimates because the SAFE Act prevents law enforcement from releasing registration figures. This means unless the Act changes, it has a built-in fudge factor, allowing politicians to report basically anything they want about the law – except for actual figures.
At least that gives Governor Cuomo an out when no gun owners comply and law enforcement won’t take action on his stupid law – he can simply claim everything is going fine.
Source: Breitbart
Truth and Action..you need to change your name to “I’m a wimp that needs the govt. to control every aspect of my life”. Are you really stupid enough to believe the bad guys are going to register their weapons???? and are you ignorant enough to believe the democrats only want to know which law abiding citizens have guns and what type and how many??????? If yes, you just keep believing that and one day you will find them knocking on your door and taking your registered weapons.
I know that crimals wont register them. I dont need the governmenf to control my life. But i do belive in my familes and kids eing safer and helping my fellow man, which is concept that left conservatives a long time ago.
Disarming America is on Odumba’s agenda. He may not have passed the law, but he certainly planted the seed. I feel safer with a full clip.
Stand up New Yorker’s now show your near-q***r Governor what you’re made of!!!
why should citizens have to fight the government that suppose to work for the people
Get back to the polling booth and vote out the NAZI’s
way to go New York , I never liked that state cause I thought it was a police state anyways , about time the people turn things around , BOOT that communist out of office people ,put in a conservative that will revive your great state !
Maybe if u spent more tax dollars re educating liberals, u would never need to attack gun owners.
They live like Somalians in Detroit, New York and the bigger cities in filth and trash and drugs and unemployment and yet they give all the money to unions. If u don’t reinvest in your cities, u are where u are, failing and in misery.
Shove a rifle barrel up Cuomos behind and pull the trigger, gay wad would probably enjoy it.
I have never been a big gun person but now I know the gov is up to no good and they are trying to disable americans with guns because they want to take our freedoms away just like Hitler did history is repeating itself I have never been a violent person but now I know we all are going to have to fight to keep our freedoms and get rid of the corrupt gov.