This week, Donald Trump accused Barack Obama of being the “founder of ISIS.” He elaborated in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, “[Obama] created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
Of course, the mainstream media immediately jumped in to protect the president and attack Trump for suggesting that the president was at fault for the rise of the terrorist organization.
They were outraged about Trump’s supposed exaggeration, but a new report suggests that Trump may not have gone far enough. According to Julian Assange, the Obama Administration did more than fail to keep the peace. They actively provided weapons to ISIS.
It may come as no surprise that Hillary Clinton is the central figure in this new controversy — as if she needed a new scandal weighing down her limping campaign.
The accusation is part of the email leak currently being released by WikiLeaks. See Assange make the shocking revelation in the transcript on the next page:
I believe that Trump was a financial supporter of Clintons foundation
It was the money… Not her
Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Hillary as president would mean war with Russia and Eastern Europe even some of them are inside E.U.
With neocon-nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf$#%&!@* war would be a certainty. If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until Armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton,
–destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements
–deregulated the financial system
–launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq
–his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with f**e investigations
These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality. One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets.
The weakened tax base of cities and states has made it possible for Republicans to attack the public sector unions. Today the Democratic Party no longer exists as a political party financed by the union dues of ordinary people. Today both political parties represent the interests of the same powerful interest groups: the financial sector, the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the extractive industries, and agribusiness. Neither party represents voters.
Thus, the people are loaded up with the costs of financial bailouts and wars, while the extractive industries and Monsanto destroy the environment and degrade the food supply. Elections no longer deal with real issues such as the loss of constitutional protections and a government accountable to law. Instead the parties compete on issues such as homosexual marriage and federal funding of abortion.
–Clinton’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was the initiating move followed by the removal of more constraints that allowed the financial system to transform itself into a gambling casino where bets are covered by the public and the Federal Reserve. The full consequences of this remain to be seen.
–The Clinton regime’s attack on the Serbs was a war crime under international law, but it was the Yugoslavian president who tried to defend his country who was put on trial as a war criminal.
–When the Clinton regime murdered Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge and 76 people at Waco, subjecting the few survivors to a show trial, the regime’s crimes against humanity went unpunished.
–Thus did Clinton set the precedents for 14 years of Bush/Obama crimes against humanity in seven countries. Millions of people have been killed, maimed, and displaced, and it is all acceptable.It is easy enough for a government to stir up its population against foreigners as the successes of Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama demonstrate.
–But the Clinton regime managed to stir up Americans against their fellows as well. When the FBI gratuitously murdered Randy Weaver’s wife and young son, propagandistic denunciations of Randy Weaver took the place of accountability.
–When the FBI attacked the Branch Davidians, a religious movement that split from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with tanks and poison gas, causing a fire that burned 76 people, mainly women and children, to death, the mass murder was justified by the Clinton regime with wild and unsubstantiated charges against the government’s murdered victims.
–Washington’s international lawlessness about which the Russian and Chinese governments increasingly complain originated with the Clinton regime.
–Washington’s lies about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction” originated in the Clinton regime, as did the goal of “regime change” in Iraq and Washington’s illegal bombings and embargoes that costs the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children, lost lives that Clinton’s Secretary of State said were justified.
The US government had done wicked things in the past:
–For example, the Spanish-American war was a grab for empire, and Washington has always protected the interests of US corporations from Latin American reformers, but the Clinton regime globalized the criminality.
–Regime change has become reckless bringing with it danger of nuclear war. It is no longer Grenada and Honduras whose governments are overthrown. Today it is Russia and China that are targeted.
–Former parts of Russia herself – Georgia and Ukraine – have been turned into Washington’s vassal states. Washington-financed NGOs organize “student protests” in Hong Kong, hoping that the protests will spread into China and destabilize the government.
–The recklessness of these interventions in the internal affairs of nuclear powers is unprecedented.
As the US government now embraces pre-emptive arrest and detention of those who might someday commit a crime, the entire cadre of neocon-warmongers should be arrested and indefinitely detained before they destroy humanity. The Clinton years produced a spate of books documenting the numerous crimes and cover-ups:
–the Oklahoma City bombing
–Ruby Ridge
–the FBI crime lab scandal
–Vincent Foster’s death
–CIA involvement in drug running
–the militarization of law enforcement
–9/11 WTC.
She’s a filthy low life.
It’s almost like Trump knew all along….LIKE THIS$#%&!@*IS ALL STAGGED
She is the master of goofy looks!
Youtube has lots of videos about this.
All the sudden the gun starts ah smoking. She, Obama are real deep$#%&!@*with me and 300 million other Americans!!!
Hillary Clinton got billy goated by ALEX JONES the other night…and all she had was a conspiracy theory topic and a f**e jar of pickles that obviously had NO POP…