This week, Donald Trump accused Barack Obama of being the “founder of ISIS.” He elaborated in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, “[Obama] created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
Of course, the mainstream media immediately jumped in to protect the president and attack Trump for suggesting that the president was at fault for the rise of the terrorist organization.
They were outraged about Trump’s supposed exaggeration, but a new report suggests that Trump may not have gone far enough. According to Julian Assange, the Obama Administration did more than fail to keep the peace. They actively provided weapons to ISIS.
It may come as no surprise that Hillary Clinton is the central figure in this new controversy — as if she needed a new scandal weighing down her limping campaign.
The accusation is part of the email leak currently being released by WikiLeaks. See Assange make the shocking revelation in the transcript on the next page:
Trump said Obama started Isis, not Hillary, but u would never ever vote for Hillary anyway.
Not surprising crooked lying murderous isis whore hillary is their$#%&!@*
Pictures don’t lie
I knew this the first time they showed captured Isis weapons they showed all .308 NATO weapons you can only get them from us. Hillery and Obama created and armed isis
America is So Tired of the Corruption in the DOJ, FBI and All Levels of Goverment and in the Media. Our Country is in Deep$#%&!@*Folks. Better Vote for Trump to get our Country back…God Bless the Good Old USA.. We going to need it.. Trump 2016
She looks even more ignorant than she is-if that’s possible
Ya’ll know my op on her! Not gonna even waste my time here with this B! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! 2016