This week, Donald Trump accused Barack Obama of being the “founder of ISIS.” He elaborated in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, “[Obama] created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”
Of course, the mainstream media immediately jumped in to protect the president and attack Trump for suggesting that the president was at fault for the rise of the terrorist organization.
They were outraged about Trump’s supposed exaggeration, but a new report suggests that Trump may not have gone far enough. According to Julian Assange, the Obama Administration did more than fail to keep the peace. They actively provided weapons to ISIS.
It may come as no surprise that Hillary Clinton is the central figure in this new controversy — as if she needed a new scandal weighing down her limping campaign.
The accusation is part of the email leak currently being released by WikiLeaks. See Assange make the shocking revelation in the transcript on the next page:
Hillary has accepted donations from middle eastern countries who are ruled by sharia law. Whether it be through her campaign or The Clinton Foundation, Hillary has accepted donations from middle eastern countries, especially Saudi Arabia. A vote for Hillary = vote for Sharia.Since Trump can not be bought, He owes NO ONE, NOTHiNG!. We do know, TRUMP will not stand for sharia.I hate to tell you this, but AMERICA IS ALREADY LIVING UNDER SHARIA LAW in Dearborn MI WE CANNOT LET THIS CANCER SPREAD!!!!!!!!!I don’t think Americans understand Sharia Law, here’s a sample.1 – The LGBT Community are all to be put to death under Sharia law2 – Under Sharia law a 9 year old girl can be married and consummate the marriage.3 – A woman who is raped, has to have 4 men verify the rape.4 – A divorced wife loses custody of all the children over 6 yrs old.5 – A man can unilaterally divorce his wife. A woman needs her husband’s consent to divorce.6 – A man can beat his wife into insubordination7 – A woman cannot drive8 – A woman cannot speak alone to another man who is not her husband.9 – Muslims should engage in “taqiyya” and lie to nonmuslims to advance islam10 – Theft is punishable by amputation 11 – Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death 12 – Criticizing Muhammad or denying he is the prophet is punishable by death 13 – Criticizing or denying Allah, the God of Islam is punishable by death 14 – A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death 15 – A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death This is the future, if we don’t WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!VOTE: TRUMP
Treason simple !
America supports Donald Trump in 2016.
Can she possibly stoop any lower than this? Remains to be seen.
This Corrupt$#%&!@*belongs in PRISON for TREASON AND MURDER, not in our WHITE HOUSE where she can KILL more AMERICANS…..
yep the WH stated…she gave 400 million (which they proclaimed it was lost or a mystery in where it went for years) to ISIS..Yep Obama blames Hillary for treason.
Her and her boss Obama 😉
I think they armed them,so it’s the same thing!!