Hillary Clinton is still trying to repair the damage her private email server inflicted on her campaign, but now it looks as if she has a new email-related scandal she must contend with.
Months ago, Wikileaks promised to release thousands of emails that they had obtained from the Democratic National Committee. These emails were promised to deliver scandalous insights into the corrupt organization and their collusion with the Clinton campaign.
This week, they made good on that promise. This dump is the first of many from a series Wikileaks has entitled “Hillary Leaks.”
The most talked-about news from the release thus far has been emails that allegedly show that the DNC was actively working to keep socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders off of the Democrat ticket, but less attention is being paid to the concerted effort made to release made-up stories about Donald Trump.
See one of those emails on the next page:
Neither is hillary and should be in JAIL LET’S HOPE IT HAPPENS
DNC and Killary are the lowest of the low. Worst than scum. Underhanded tactics. You won’t be able to expect anything with integrity from them. Killary DOES NOT deserve any office, she doesn’t even qualify to clean anyone’s toilet!!
Marty copper you really do not investigate what is going on or you just really hate this beautiful country you live in! I wish you would pack your bags and go on a vacation um say Turkey, Australia, maybe Paris or Germany pm me I will buy you a one way ticket!
Rich Cory not going to happen so keep beating a dead horse. Can you do better if so run.
This media & blm & these Muslims & isis is all backed financially by George soros obamma & Hillary are also ! The opening of all our borders & the dumping of foreign products on us driving out of our industry all 1 big plan to break America completely soros wants 1 world order sees himself as a GOD ! Don’t believe me look him up ! A vote for Hillary is a vote for George soros ! She has already said she would have open door policy & she has already appointed who he gave her to offices ! We must take America back for Americans!
I think it was a play from Bill Clinton’s’ playbook
The best way is to watch both sides of the news FOX news.
That’s your killory folks !! Lies, lies, and more lies !!