Hillary Clinton may change her opinions depending on who she’s talking to, but she’ll always be a radical left-wing demagogue at her core.
Over the years, Clinton has adopted so many positions on the question of immigration and trade that she could quite credibly claim that she has supported every take on them at some point. It’s certainly not something to brag about, but to the Democratic candidate and her followers, it’s a sign of her much-vaunted “expediency”.
Beneath this wishy-washy veneer however is a die-hard liberal who wants to swing the doors of the United States open and let everybody and anybody in, as was recently revealed in transcripts of remarks she gave before a foreign bank. According to the documents released by WikiLeaks, Clinton stated that regardless of what she says on the campaign trail, her ultimate dream is a “common hemispheric market” that she will pursue once she becomes president.
Read more about Hillary’s “common hemispheric market” on the next page:
They should. He looks like he’s been dead for a week
Not at all
Look up World Order..It is what Hillary wants. We should all be petrified if she gets in office..
Hillary Clinton is New World Order
New World Order. I’m just talking but how does Facebook know to capitalize this term. Let me say it again comma New World Order well still comes out the same new world order a new world order new world order.