Wikileaks has published reams of sensitive information that is bound to make Hillary Clinton squeal with rage.
While the State Department has been releasing emails sent and received by the former Secretary of State on her private server, the department has made them available in small increments, making it hard for the American public to keep track of each and every email as it came out.
Thanks to Wikileaks, however, over 30,000 Clinton emails have been made available in a handy archive that allows people to search through them with ease. The time frame of the documents ranges from June 30th, 2010 to August 12th, 2014 and numbers 50,547 documents in total.
This will be a most unwelcome development for Clinton, as the emails will allow Americans to see her response (or lack thereof) to the 2012 terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi themselves. One can’t help but want to see the look on her face when she found out Wikileaks released them.
For more information, turn to the next page:
But the thousands of emails made available by Wikileaks are just the tip of the iceberg that is Clinton’s perfidy. Already, the State Department is moving to look over communications from one of the former First Lady’s staff members, effectively casting it’s net further:
“Though the department has completed its publication of Clinton emails, it is now set to review 29,000 pages of emails sent or received by Huma Abedin, who served as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff from 2009-13. The department has said it plans to review at least 400 pages of Abedin’s emails every month. Completion is expected by April 2017.
While Wikileaks’ Wednesday release involved publicly available documents, the site has gained a reputation for illegally leaking classified information, including from the State Department. Army Pvt. Bradley Manning, now known as Chelsea Manning, is serving a 35-year prison sentence for leaking documents to the site both from the State and Defense Departments.
The site has also published files stolen from defense firm Stratfor, the Saudi Foreign Ministry and the National Security Agency, among others.”
Source: Washington Examiner
She busted
then theres this F bitch
Doe’s the U.S.A. have a $ 20-Trillion national debt….YES
Is Obama responsible for a huge increase of the national debt….YES
Is Donald Trump capable of lowering the national debt….YES.
Just like in the case of Barry and Fast n Furious,…the GOP establishment will not go after Billary Cankles….They will however go after Trump….What does that indicate?….lol…
If she’s being questioned she’s questionable if she stole from the white house she’s a thief if she lost six billion she’s irresponsible if she made weapon excessively to our enemies she’s a traitor and I could go on and if she denies this and more she’s a liar and if she says she’s not lying she’s delusional and needs to be committed its not rocket science and for those voting for her because she’s a woman she supports Islam which against all women so there blows that and if you fool enough to stick with your party you don’t know your party because they’re not sticking with you.
left side and right side of the same bed. God is in control.
Whoopie! Burn the witch
So what- when are officials going to do their job and have charges brought up on her- the$#%&!@*she’s done and I get trated like a criminal for not wearing my seatbelt correctly, b******t enough already