We are less than one week away from the election, and legal case against Hillary Clinton just got a lot more serious.
On July 5th, 2016, FBI Director James Comey announced that is organization would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton. While he admitted that she had been “extremely careless” with classified materials, he concluded that there was no “intentional” wrongdoing on Clinton’s part. That absence of criminal intent is likely what allowed Clinton to escape indictment.
Comey’s decision perplexed many of Clinton’s critics. When a normal person breaks the law, it doesn’t matter if he or she did so intentionally. The only thing that matters is that a crime was committed. Apparently, this doesn’t apply to Clinton. As long as she didn’t mean to break the law, she can remain above it.
But it isn’t all good news for Clinton. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, we have proof of her team’s criminal intent. This revelation comes just as Comey announced that Clinton’s investigation has been reopened by the FBI.
See the smoking gun about Clinton’s emails on the next page:
Any one that wants another 4 yrs of Barrack Obama.. just vote for Hillary Clinton…Obama even said at the convention that lf Hillary gets elected lt will be like his 3rd term in office.. ,thats exactally what you will get only 10 times worse.She will destroy all of us americans with her Laws ..She is gona make Sheriah A Law that we all have to endure..She is gona cause a world war like we have never seen before ..She knows she is above the Law in all crimes .She is gona bring in to the UnitedStates of America 665 thousand syrian refugees and us americans will be expected to take care of them ..knowing right now americans can hardly take care of ourselves ..Her and obama is counting on making the USA thier nation and lt will become a Muslim nation ..The foreign nations has been paying her and Obama to change america as we know it .She is gona sell most americans a bill of goods and they will buy it (vote for her in November)lf she gets in the WhiteHouse our lives here in America is over we will have to endure a Living Hell..She is gona make Sheria Law mandority to all americans …She will present a good story to get people to vote for her and many will..At the End lf she should happen to win she will laugh at how stupid&Ignorant people was to vote for her..Many voted Obama in for 2 terms Look what we got .A Muslim Terrorist leader.. a race baiter that has cause many to die ,No jobs No security.No nothing but Destruction of our nation ..lf you think about it” ISIS “never came into action tell Obama was president and Hillary was Sec.of state .There is over 1800 Muslims working in our Government today all because of Obama setting it up that way ..Thats why Hillary was not Indicted of her crimes she commited ..She Cheated in the Primarys she will cheat again in the general election to win…Everyone in washington is scared of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama ..Lots will be bought to rigg the election for her ..They bought ,Loretta Lynch and many others so this murder could run for President and Finish what Obama Started…..I THINK AMERICA NEEDS TO WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE !! VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP& MIKE PENCE ……NOVEMBER 8..
Charge them all under the Rico act… From Top to bottom..
She’s a has been. Totally unfit to be president
I am the 15-year-old (now 16) who was the victim of Anthony Weiner. I now add you to the list of people who have victimized me. I told my story originally to protect other young girls that might be a victim of online predators.
Your letter to Congress has now brought this whole matter back into the media spotlight. Not even 10 minutes after being forensically interviewed with the FBI for seven hours, I received a phone call from a REPORTER asking for a statement. Why didn’t you communicate with the local FBI agents that I had just spoken to? They could have scheduled our interview sooner or scheduled a time to interview me later, or change locations of the interview. My neighborhood has been canvassed by reporters asking for details about me.
The Hillary campaign is degrading to a pathetic cover your backs.! Draining the swamp has begun.!
Shes done
They wont arrest her before the election!!!
God bless you !!
Trump cannot be bought and America NEEDS him for AMERICA to survive this world of Islam take over and the dump in Washington , the deep corruption, the trash in the WH, we as America have got to wake up….TRUMP/Trump Pence 2016